Setting up Company in Dubai in Smart and Easy Steps!

Are you planning to set your business in Dubai? Before deciding to start up any business in any industry, make sure you will comply with all the government regulations and procedural requirements. If yes, then setting up a business is an easy process!

There is no need to go hyperventilating thinking about the rules and regulations because Smart Step is here to rescue!

We will help you do all the procedures quick and easy!

Foreign businessmen or investors who want to set up a business in Dubai can select to register their company in Mainland (onshore), Offshore, or in Free Zone (self-regulated area). We, at Smart Step, facilitate hassle-free and quick registration and company formation in any three of those areas.

Why Company Formation in UAE?

UAE is a country that enjoys a reasonably strategic location, large dominant wealth fund, substantial financial reserves, promising investor home economies and reliable government spending. The primary focus of the government is on Economic diversification; therefore, investors and businessman all around the world are welcome here to set up their business.

Long Term Value

Dubai is one of the top cities that provides long-term value to the entrepreneurs.

Government Spending & Support

At Dubai, there is a major port that links 140 ports in 6 countries.

Ease of Doing Business

The globalization is massive in Dubai, which generates major profit for Entrepreneurs.

Stable Economy

The economy remains stable without any sudden changes.

Safety & Security

42,000 millionaires live in Dubai and the crime rate of this city is the lowest.

Excellent Arbitration System

UAE has strict laws, which protests all the entrepreneurs and their businesses.

// Get to Know The Business Environment

What is Mainland in UAE?

Onshore, by its literal meaning, is the total geographic area of the land. Mainland is the onshore area set by the UAE's Department of Economic Development (DED). It legally allows private firms and their representatives to operate commercially. Mainland or an offshore company is a legal entity running inside and outside the country without any restraint. An LSA also called licensed local agent is necessary to help you with the procedure of setting up a business in Dubai Mainland.

At Smart Step, we provide guidance and assistance on each step of setting up a business in Mainland.

// Why Do You Choose Mainland Company Formation in the UAE?

Benefits of Setting up Business in Mainland Dubai

You already know why Dubai is the best place to start or expand your business. Now let us talk about the benefits of setting up your business through a Mainland company. A mainland business license can give you social, economic and politically accessible benefits like:

  • Freedom to choose premises
  • Hassle-free processes without any visa limits
  • No corporate tax
  • Ability to conduct a wide range of businesses
  • Access to the best facilities like transportation, sustainability, etc.
  • 100 % repatriation of capital and profits
  • No currency restriction in Mainland Company
  • Choosing a location for your office is flexible
  • Legal procedures are easy
  • Fewer constraints in visas and ownership as compared to other Emirates.
// Steps to go

How to start your
business in Mainland

At SmartStep Dubai, we guide you through each step of your business journey. Although the process is quite detailed, below is an 8 Step Process highlighting the essential incorporation procedure for your mainland company formation in the UAE.

Choose your business type
Determine legal form of entity
Register Trade Name with DED
Obtain DED initial approval
Choose a business location
Get other relevant auth. approval
Get your business Licence
Obtain Chamber membership

Types of Company Formation in Dubai

Sole Proprietorship

As the word says, a single individual owns and operates this type of business setup. Hundred percent ownership and control is given to the individual owner to operate and keep incomes.

One Person Company (LLC)

Only a local / GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) national/ decree holder (acc. to the procedures) or a business body can own a One Person Company (LLC)

Civil Company

These type of Companies are for professionals like accountants, doctors, engineers and lawyers who go into a business partnership.

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

These types of businesses are permitted to setup any commercial, industrial, and professional or tourism related business. 100% ownership allowed for GCC Nationals and at least 51% for UAE Nationals. Private Share Holding Company – Professional activities are not permitted under this company formation. An investment of a minimum of AED 5 million is required from the partners.

Public Share Holding Company

In this type of business setup in UAE, share capital is transferrable and divided into equal values. At least 5 founding members should be UAE Nationals having ownership of 30% to 70% of capital shares. Simple Limited Partnership – This type of business setup can only conduct commercial and industrial activities. UAE Nationals must be the general partners and foreign nationals can be limited partners. There is no limit on the ownership of shares between the partners.

Private Share Holding Company

Professional activities are not permitted under this company formation. An investment of a minimum of AED 5 million is required from the partners.

Simple Limited Partnership

This type of business setup can only conduct commercial and industrial activities. UAE Nationals must be the general partners and foreign nationals can be limited partners. There is no limit on the ownership of shares between the partners.

Representative Office

Representative Offices are not permitted to carry out business operations but exist to promote and market the parent company’s products and services in UAE.

Partnership Company

Partnership companies are 100% owned by UAE nationals and cannot be owned by other nationalities even of GCC countries and corporate bodies. Commercial and industrial business setup are only permitted for such companies.

Branch of a Foreign Company

In this type of trade license the Parent Company holds 100% ownership of the branch and has to operate under the same name and perform the same activities as the parent company. Representative Office – Representative Offices are not permitted to carry out business operations but exist to promote and market the parent company’s products and services in UAE.

Branch of a Dubai-based Company

A Branch of a Dubai-based Company is fully owned by the parent company and undertakes one or more of the activities listed in the main license in Dubai.

Branch of a UAE-based Company

A Branch of a UAE-based Company is fully owned by the parent company and undertakes one or more of the activities listed in the main license in UAE.

Branch of a GCC-based Company

A Branch of a GCC-based Company is fully owned by the parent company and undertakes one or more of the activities listed in the main license in GCC.

Branch of a Free Zone Company

Freezone Companies in the UAE are permitted to expand business operations to the mainland if the activity they engage in is authorized in the mainland business setup.

Intelaq (Home based business for UAE Nationals)

An Intelaq License can only be obtained by UAE Nationals. These licenses are issued for home-based business setup and can be for any professional, trade or artisan business.

SME License

These type of license is granted to businesses with 100% UAE National ownership and can be of any legal form.